The Wing Way

We typically purchase small-to-medium size businesses, many times family-owned. They were built by people who took a chance on themselves and their employees. Usually, these companies have been owned for generations and have employed people for many years. They are proud of what they built. They want to leave their legacy in good hands. They trust us because we believe there’s a right way to do business.
We call it the Wing Way.

  • Put people first.

    Our most valuable assets are people. Our employees, customers and business partners. Treat them right.

  • Remember every decision has impact.

    Cutting dollars. Investing in capital. Expanding facilities. Every single decision we make impacts many people.

  • Change for good.

    We are careful to make decisions that are for the good of the team.

  • Invest for the long-term.

    We don’t look for quick turn acquisitions. We are in it for the long haul.

Wing Capital Group isn't just about the money. They truly care about the people.
Aaron Zell, Former President & CEO, Sani-Matic